Happy Birthday Doc Martens, H&M Summer Preview, And Scott Schuman Gets Mad At The Internet

Happy Birthday, Doc Martens! We love everything about you, except for the fact that you sometimes apparently think you are an Ugg. (Style Bubble)
The best fashion-related April Fools joke of yesterday. Check out Groupoupon's parody of shopping sites featuring $6,500 sleeves, water-scented fragrance, and an application to purchase said items that includes a space for your personal assistant's email address. (Groupoupon)
Scott Schuman doesn't get the Internet. Well, Scott—the Internet sure seems to get you! (The Cut)
Jewelry desginer Pamela Love tries her hand at styling and photography for Dossier Magazine. Damn those Jacquelines of all Trades! So multi-talented! (Fashionologie)
H&M's summer preview is full of Lanvin-esque jewelry, digital prints, and awesome basics. Best part? You can actually afford this ish! (Nitrolicious)

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