If you've been checking our eBay blog over the last few years, you definitely spotted three or four pairs of vintage saddle shoes on our Most Wanted list. Happily, we are reveling in the fact that we no longer have to settle for second-hand (not that we really minded)—our little obsession has been heard by Oak and Urban Outfitters who are both stocking some sweet saddle shoe styles for the season. While we're totally into the classic black-and-white version, we also love Oak's contrasting red and gray style…so perfect for any season. We're going to start wearing ours immediately. Note: We've been seeing various spring lookbooks styled with saddle shoes (like these ones from Lover & Corpus). Even if we can't buy them anywhere, at least it gives an idea of how we might wear them.
Top, clockwise from left: F-Troupe Saddle Shoes, $162, available at Oak; Urban Outfitters 2-Tone Saddle Shoe, $78, available at Urban Outfitters; spring styles from Opening Ceremony.

Above, from left: Spring looks from Lover, Corpus, and Lover.