Yesterday, we heard word of an Alexa Chung spotting in downtown New York, which means that the day the stylish Brit moves to Williamsburg might finally be here. But until we have regular Alexa spottings at Gimme Coffee, this Harper's Bazaar UK article is just further whetting our appetite for becoming BFFs with London's quirky-cool It chick. Not only does she share my feelings on baby birthing ("Ew, no. I had a dream the other night that I had a baby and I called it Bud and I spent the whole dream pissed off that I'd called it Bud because I wanted to call it Wolfgang. You're going to hate what happens next—I washed it in the sink and it died"), but she also apparently has the same throaty "man voice" that my friends and acquaintances have been concerned about for some time now. But if Alexa can make it sexy, so can I! Word to the wise: If you see a "feline-eyed, tousle-haired," lace tights and t-shirt-wearing girl walking down Bedford, phone us immediately, because the Alexa boat might just have landed in our great States.