The Fabulous Harry Brant Talks Art & Instagram

We were very busy bees on Tuesday night at Sotheby's contemporary art preview, co-hosted by Dolce & Gabbana. Besides chatting up the incredibly talented and charming painter, Will Cotton, we managed to grab a couple seconds with the always-fabulous Harry Brant to gab about artists and Instagram — two things this raven-haired young heir knows all about.

Any suggestions for someone who wants to start collecting art, but has a limited budget?
"For me, art is the best kind of investment you can make because it's a really much more sound market than anything else, depending on if you really believe in the artist, and you trust in them. For example, my brother is doing something at Christie's right now that supports very young artists. So, you can buy these artists that are very talented for a much, much lower price because they're new. That would be my advice for someone who is young and interested in collecting."


Who are some of your favorite rising art stars?
"Josh Smith, Nate Lowman, Dan Colen, Karen Kilimnick, Tauba Auerbach..."

We're at an art party hosted by a fashion label — do you think fashion is art? Is buying a piece of couture comparable to investing in a painting?
"I think fashion is absolutely an art, just as I think a designer is an artist, and it's just the means by which they create their art. It's the difference between a canvas, or sculpture, or a fabric. Couture is not made to be functional, but it has a purpose. It's a piece of art...I think fashion takes a lot of influence from art and art takes a lot of influence from fashion, but they're not exactly the same."

You and your brother obviously enjoy Instagram! Some photographers have expressed annoyance, though, that it seems like anyone can be an "artist" these days with the use of filters, etc. What do you think?
"I agree with that. I mean, I Instagram like crazy, and it makes you look incredible. But, it's not really fair that some people get incredible credit for using Instagram, whereas photographers, or even editors have mastered Photoshop. Also, I feel some people end up taking themselves too seriously using Instagram, instead of really using the proper means, and taking the time to learn about photography. It's just using a quick-and-easy filter."

Speaking of Instagram, do you really think about what you post? Do you care about likes and all that stuff?
"I do think about what I post for Instagram, but mostly I just use my Instagram to look at other people's feeds and get jealous about how they're doing something cooler than me."

Photo: Courtesy of Dolce & Gabbana

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