The thrill of finding that piece you've been coveting all season, marked down 70%, and in your size. The joy of trying on a pair of jeans just for fun, and realizing that they can magically turn your legs into Gisele's. Barneys.
For the majority of us, shopping is about chasing these happy, happy moments, but we'll admit, in the pursuit of happiness, there's a lot of BS we have to put up with as well. A study completed by revealed that 1/3 of women hate shopping because of long lines, clothes that don't fit, frustrating environments, and — with nearly half of the 2,000 women surveyed agreeing — patronizing sales staffs that make you feel like you don't deserve the clothes you're eyeballing.
15% of respondents have even cried on a shopping trip. 50% have never felt that "high" when scoring a good deal. Most upsettingly, 42% of women say that the whole experience would be easier if they had different bodies, which reveals a lot about how the culture of shopping has institutionalized body shaming — a huge shame. Amidst all the disappointing shopping environments out there in the world, we need some good news. So, tell us: Are there any stores you shop at that end up making you feel better about how you look and about your personal style? (Daily Mail)

Photographed by Amelia Alpaugh