Whoever said that "The revolution will not be televised," clearly wasn't paying attention. Time Warner Cable is on the verge of launching a new cable package that will target thrift-minded lovers of HBO. In other words: everyone.
While most premium cable packages can run upward of $100 a month, TWC's proposed deal will include HBO GO, broadband Internet, and a handful of other channels for just $49 a month.
With more focus on à la carte, web-based viewing, it's a cable package with its sight set on the future. The average American only watches 9% of the channels they pay for. More often than not, one of those channels is HBO. With an increasing number of ways to watch HBO's content without having to pay for it, this is Time Warner's attempt to nip the migration away from cable subscriptions squarely in the bud.
If the proposed package does go through, TWC subscribers will be able to access HBO's premium content for less than what it costs to fill up a tank of gas, buy 20 pounds of pickled eggs, and fund a Zach Braff movie. If that's not a bargain, we don't know what is. (Bloomberg)