Still looking for the perfect bit of bling for your New Year's outfit? If so, you should definitely be thanking New York-based jewelry designer, Sasha Samuel. She's just released a new collection of shimmery headgear that include amazing headbands and barettes made from vintage materials like rhinestone appliques taken from 1920's flapper dresses, deco bracelets, pins, and necklaces, all bound with braided metallic threads from France—the perfect glitzy addition to any outfit. Each piece is one of a kind, and can be worn in various ways to create different looks: on the crown of the head for a more subtle, chic vibe, or in the center of the forehead as a true statement piece. The smallest pieces start at $100, and Sasha is also available to make custom creations. We're thinking this is the perfect way to shine your way into the new year.

Sasha Samuel's is sold at New York Vintage, 117 W. 25th St. For more information, please email Sasha here.