2 New Ways To Eat Farm-To-Table At Home

01_002_Ingalls_0034_sized_PhotoIngallsPhotoPhotographed by Ingalls Photo.
Typically, if you want to eat farm-to-fork at home, it requires making a pit stop at your local farmers' market, battling the morning rush for the best produce, and then hoping that your goods don't wilt before you start cooking. We get it — eating whole food, organic when possible, ensures your diet is brimming with delicious, nutrient-rich options, but sometimes our meal-plan dreams don’t align with our over-scheduled reality.
For the days you can't make it to your local market or you just don't want to deal with the crowds, two new services are here to help out, offering high-quality, farm-fresh options delivered straight to your door.

Good Eggs
Available in select markets (including San Francisco, L.A., and Brooklyn), Good Eggs is basically a FreshDirect for farmers' markets. Load up your digital cart with groceries and prepared foods from local farms — you can click on the vendor’s bio page to learn more about where the food is sourced from. Then, after you order, the produce is harvested and delivered within two days, during a time-window of your choosing.

Green Blender
The smoothie is already the ultimate lazy solution to eating nutritiously — it doesn't require much prep work and you can drink it on the go. To make your job even easier, Green Blender eliminates the need to go produce shopping. The service will deliver five new nutritionist-created recipes weekly, along with enough pre-portioned ingredients to make 10 smoothies (blender not included). The ingredients are organic, and the Green Blender team sources from local farms, green markets and sustainable vendors whenever possible. The site also includes a blog with additional recipes, like this fall-approved concoction — a perfect use for all of those apples you picked this weekend.

These virtual farms are a way healthier addiction than FarmVille.

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