Margaret Wheeler Johnson over at
Huffington Post
explores this topic with a thoughtful, heartwrenchingly honest piece about what it's like to deal with a food obsession during the season of indulgence. "There are enormous meals with relatives who leave me questioning all of my food and life choices," she writes. "There are little black dresses and glittery miniskirts that do not look like I hoped they would, and there are multiple opportunities, also known as holiday parties, to feel sized up by everyone in the room." Our hearts are breaking reading this — and to some degree, we're relating, too.
Even if you don't share her specific struggle, we think this is a must-read for all women — because who among us doesn't get hyper-focused on food and calories around this time of year? We hear it every day in the office: "Why did I eat that? Ugh, I feel so fat now! I'm eating like a pig." Many of us do this, and it's neither healthy nor productive. Johnson reveals some valuable lessons on how you can not only be healthier, but also dig yourself out of the shame spiral that comes with indulging your cravings. Bookmark this, print it out, and share it with your friends — it's something we're going to reference every time those f'ed up thoughts of guilt or not being good enough start creeping into our brains. (
Huffington Post

Photo: Via Huffington Post