The grievance list against the (always unpredictable) L train may be riddled with complaints by late-night commuters and annoyed residents, but now it seems the lack of reliable service is taking a toll on Brooklyn's retail scene. (NY Racked)
Obvious news report of the day: New Yorkers have gotten so fed up with how crowded the streets are 24/7, they're taking drastic measures— walking! (Gothamist)
After the immense success of the High Line, Friends of the High Line has decided it's your turn to help create the plans of the final section of this train-yard-turned-elevated-park. (NY Observer)
Historic mystery loses its mainstay with the renovation of the royally grunge Hotel Chelsea. Check out the barren walls that make it just another building in 21st-century Manhattan (Flavor WIre)
The economy has caused some New Yorkers to take the whole "good things come in small packages" mentality pretty seriously. Watch this vid of an already tiny apartment be split into 24 perfectly functional rooms. (NY Curbed)

Photo: Via NY Observer