modeled by Stephanie Mallick.
While the rest of the world swills Manhattans and St. Germain spritzers, we have a different take on holiday cocktail season. That is, pairing two makeup-bag workhorses to make something even more remarkable. What follows is your new go-to recipe for glowing skin: an irresistible blend of foundation and highlighter. Watch the video above for the full tutorial, and try it yourself using the steps below.
Step 1. Squeeze a dollop of foundation into the palm of your hand.
Step 2. Add one to two drops of highlighter, then swirl it together with your first two fingers.
Step 3. With those same fingers, swipe the mixture across your cheekbones, forehead, and chin.
Step 4. Blend and buff with a rounded makeup sponge (like your Beautyblender).
Extra credit: If needed, dim with powder or apply more highlighter for an ultra-reflective finish.