The fanny-pack has a golden moment. By Jennifer Oluwole

Designer Tiffany Tuttle says the inspiration for this hip-hugging tote first came about on a hiking vacation with her husband in Peru. Having been the receiver of a slightly odd holiday gift—her hubby gifted her with a fanny-pack—Tuttle was psyched to have a fitting chance to finally use it. "One day he threw it over his shoulder and I saw that it suddenly became a cool hobo-like bag," says Tuttle.
With its ability to morph from campy carry-all to mini shoulder bag, Tuttle's creation seems a lot more chic than the fanny-packs of yore. In three sizes and the nifty addition of metallic or charcoal-gray leather, Tuttle's bag is more like a Must than a Don't. "I added a zipper to the back side of the Degenerate. That way, when it's over your shoulder, you can easily access the contents without having to flip it over." Smart and chic…we're definitely ready for a fanny comeback.

Ld Tuttle Degenerate Pirite bag, $390 (the large), available in Los Angeles at Creatures of Comfort, 7971 Melrose Avenue; 323-655-7855.
The fanny-pack has a golden moment.