We're human, and just like you we're starting to feel the itch of oncoming spring and, dammit, we need a little something something if you know what we're saying. Luckily, Nerve has put together a list of the best "Hipsters Seeking Hipsters" on Craigslist to make our search for satisfaction that much easier. Naturally, we need your help to pick us (you know NYC has the original hipsters!) a perfect match, so hit the Nerve post (or better yet, head to your local Craigslist) and hit us up with suggestions in the comments below. We've already spied a few promising candidates, as you can see:
Scrawny punk/hipster/artfag for beefy/scruffy/punk/hipster/artfag - 23 (Philly): "Hi, do you like bikes and Ingmar Bergman and hot, sweaty fucking and stuff?"
Oh, totally. Now who's this Bergin chic, and does she have to come with us?
::Fun, arty, educated, outgoing, hipster boy = adventure ::: - m4w - 30 (Brooklyn): "I like silly fun and rough sex. I dig existentialism and video games."
All at the same time?
Stereotype hipster searching for stereotype hipster - 18 (Lakeway): "I am searching for a slightly geeky tall, lanky, bearded fellow preferably who plays music in coffee shops downtown."
You weren't kidding about the stereotype thing, were you?
American Apparel Bodysuit - 30 (Harvard Sq): "Can I Buy You This?... and will you model it for me. I would love to see this on somebody hot Cute Hipster Here. No weird stuff."
But you promise no weird stuff, right?
Whisky, PBR... Hipster? - 30 (East Van Duh): "Let's go out and drink Whisky and PBR, smoke cigarettes and just be cool somewhere...."
Where have you been all our life?
Photo via Flickr