Honestly ask yourself: When was the last time you relied on a map? With handy smartphone apps and GPS devices loaded into every set of wheels, TripTiks are pretty much extinct (sorry, AAA!). Plus, for most folks of our generation, the mere thought of decoding one is more anxiety-inducing than the 405. So, when we caught wind that notNeutral had finally introduced Hollywood and Palm Springs versions to its City Plates collection, we totally ate them up!
Inspired by the American Dream, the series includes maps of S.F., Washington D.C., Boston, and Chicago. And, call us biased, but we believe there's no city in the U.S. that embodies the promise of fame and fortune quite like Tinseltown. L.A. dwellers have huge appetites for success, but they never bite off more than they can chew! And, nothing says "have your cake and eat it, too" quite like this double-duty dish.
Right after you route your next trip with a string of spaghetti and strategically placed peas, feel free to wash this sucker off and hang it on your wall. In addition to being a fun dinner party conversation-starter, we think it makes for great decor in any Angeleno's home!
notNeutral Hollywood City Plate, $50, available at notNeutral.