Your Horoscope This Week: March 17 To 23

Pisces Season comes to an end on the 19th and gives way to the astrological new year once the sun enters Aries at 11:06 p.m. EST. The transition from Pisces Season to Aries Season will feel like going from a thunderstorm to a super-sunny parade, so give yourself time to adjust to the sudden shift from water to fire energy. The astro new year is an opportune time to set intentions for the next 12 months, with the spirit of confidence and passion at the forefront of our collective consciousness. 
With Venus, the Planet of Love, currently in Pisces, and Mars entering Pisces on the 22nd, we’ll still be feeling sensitive, dreamy, and somewhat nostalgic this week, particularly since we’re now in Mercury retrograde’s pre-shadow period (Mercury will shift retrograde in Aries on April 1). It’s best to think twice before we make major moves. 
We should also keep in mind that the first eclipse of 2024 will strike on the 25th — a lunar eclipse full moon in Libra. This week will foreshadow some of that eclipse energy, so if you find yourself needing more time to recalibrate your emotions, tend to that. 
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Happy Aries Season! The sun enters your sign at 11:06 p.m. EST on the 19th, marking the start of the astro new year and a new solar return in your life. With eclipse season right around the corner, you can tell that it’s time to revolutionize yourself from the inside out, particularly since the north node, symbol of higher destiny, is currently in your sign until 2025. The bigger you allow yourself to dream, the more your life expands. 
Mercury is currently traveling through your sign for the next two months and preparing to shift retrograde on April 1, so spend this week tying up loose ends and preparing for the changes that eclipse season will bring into your life. The more you simplify your lifestyle and streamline your priorities, the more at ease you’ll feel as you flow through your birthday season, so map out your game plan, and celebrate your evolution. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, now that your planetary ruler Venus is in Pisces, you’re feeling more sentimental, sensual, and magnetic. The sun’s entrance into Aries on the 19th highlights your sector of solitude and healing, which could lead to you feeling a contrast between your more social side and your deeply introverted side. We’re approaching the lunar eclipse in Libra next week, so you’d benefit from balancing your needs rather than veering toward extremes. 
On the 22nd, Mars joins Venus and enters Pisces, and this six-week transit encourages you to soften your approach to friendship and social connection. Instead of assuming that everyone’s out to get you, what would it look like for you to visualize the best case scenario — especially since we’re still feeling the influence of last week’s Pisces new moon? Your mission with Venus and Mars in Pisces is to dream beyond your usual limitations. 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, we’re in the pre-shadow period of Mercury retrograde, which means you may find yourself slowing down when it comes to social engagements or outings. Mars’ continued presence in Aquarius up until the 22nd is piquing your intellectual curiosity, which is leading to you surrounding yourself with innovative and interesting beings, but in a selective way. Once Mars enters Pisces on the 22nd for a six-week stay, you’ll suddenly feel more sentimental and whimsical, allowing you to go with the flow. 
Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, is spending its final two months in Taurus, which activates your sector of spirituality, healing, and closure. As we approach eclipse season, you’re being asked to tap into the energy of Venus’ current stay in Pisces (especially since next week’s Libra lunar eclipse is ruled by Venus). Make it your mission to practice the art of vulnerability, Gemini. You don’t have to mask your emotions using humor. Let them out. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, enjoy this midpoint between the Pisces new moon and the lunar eclipse in Libra, because life’s getting pretty trippy for you, moon child. As the week begins, we’re rounding out the final days of Pisces Season, and this energy allows you to be more whimsical, flirtatious, and free. Once Aries Season strikes on the 19th, a part of you may rebel against some of the expectations placed on you societally and personally. You’re in the mood to break free and do your own thing — just make sure you’re doing it because it’s truly fulfilling you. 
With Mars entering your fellow water sign of Pisces on the 22nd, you’ll feel like you’re experiencing the sequel to Pisces Season — your intuitive abilities will be through the roof, and your desires for physical touch and intimacy will also skyrocket. Avoid falling into the traps of passive-aggressive behavior or letting your moodiness cause you to snap at others when really all you want are cuddles and recognition. Having Venus and Mars both in Pisces for several weeks will help you self-reflect, journal, cry, and heal. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

The final days of Pisces Season will feel emotionally intense for you, Leo, as your sector of depth, merging, and intimacy is activated by the sun, Venus, and Neptune all in Pisces at the same time. Then on the 19th, the astro new year begins with the sun’s transit into Aries for the next four weeks. You’ll feel alive and activated with the sun traveling through a fellow fire sign, making this a great time to shoot your shot at work or in your social or love life, as no planets are currently retrograde. 
Mercury, the Planet of Communication, is in its pre-shadow period of the retrograde, however. Your sector of travel, media, and philosophy is activated by the sun, Mercury, and Chiron all in Aries, so avoid using travel or entrepreneurial ventures as a form of escapism. Bravely face the realities of your life without looking for the next best thing. 

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, this week you’ll be able to tell that your planetary ruler Mercury is getting closer to its retrograde period. You won’t be feeling as intellectually stimulated as usual during the final days of Pisces Season — you’ll rather be in a daydreamy and nostalgic mood. Don’t be surprised if people from your past start hitting you up, either in real life or in your dream life. Keep a dream journal by your bed, especially starting the 22nd, once Mars joins Venus and enters Pisces for a six-week stay. 
Aries Season helps you deepen and redefine your relationship with wealth, both materially and spiritually. Once the astro new year begins on the 19th, you’ll start to evaluate moments when you had previously allowed yourself to play small or remain in second place rather than spreading your wings and soaring. Use Aries Season to find an abundance mentor, and to read up on what it means to create a legacy that feels fulfilling and ever-expansive. Step by step, you’re making that your reality. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, the final days of Pisces Season are ideal for being more compassionate to yourself and your body, especially if you’ve been meaning to start or stick to a new health or wellness routine, but you may have been a bit all over the place. Pisces energy can be whimsical and unrestrained, and part of your lessons these past four weeks was to learn how to trust your body’s intuitive awareness rather than trying to stick to a certain structure or routine. Mars will enter Pisces on the 22nd and will continue to teach you that lesson over the course of the next six weeks. 
Once the sun enters your opposite sign of Aries on the 19th, you may be drawn to working out, creating art, or making love with a partner who sees and stimulates you, in all senses of the word. We’re also just a few days away from the lunar eclipse full moon in your sign, which means that you’re in a period of dropping the dead weight and purging nonessentials from your life. Stay hydrated and well-rested this week, Libra. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, as Pisces Season comes to an end, you’re reflecting on moments when you were caught up in illusions on a personal, creative, and romantic level, as well as moments when being “delusional” actually worked out in your favor. With Venus currently in Pisces, you’re encouraged to let your dreams and fantasies take the lead, however Jupiter’s final stretch in Taurus is also reminding you of the importance of staying grounded amid all of these exciting possibilities. 
Aries Season starts on the 19th, and since both you and Aries are ruled by Mars you’re likely to feel more Aries-like these next four weeks: bold, bright, and beautiful. When your planetary ruler Mars enters Pisces on the 22nd, you may experience a sharp contrast in energy, as this watery transit will bring out your more sensitive yet playful side, making it harder for you to stay focused on one fixed project for a long period of time. The key is to tap into the upcoming Libra lunar eclipse and cultivate the art of balance. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, the final stretch of Pisces Season helps you slow your roll, meditate, and be one with nature as we approach the start of the astro new year. Then on the 19th the sun shifts out of Pisces and enters Aries for the next four weeks, amping up your self confidence and encouraging you to go for the gold, particularly since we currently have no planets retrograde until April 1. Now is not the time to succumb to procrastination. 
With Mars, the Planet of Action, entering Pisces on the 22nd for a six-week stay, your sector of home and roots is activated, so your focus will be on home renovation, potential relocations, decor, downsizing or upsizing, welcoming a new baby or plant, and allowing yourself to redefine what home and family means to you altogether. Take your time as you process these questions and make room for sudden realizations, Sagittarius. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, this week both Venus and Mars will be in Pisces, in your sector of communication and creativity. This helps boost your imaginative abilities, encouraging you to create art for the sake of it. Your inner child has been encouraging you to break free from self-imposed ways of looking at the world, and truly view the world as your playground. The final few days of Pisces Season are best used in the spirit of exploration and innovation rather than being too rigidly stuck in the same old routine. 
Once Aries Season starts on the 19th, your sector of roots and the home is activated, encouraging you to boss up in your family sector and set necessary boundaries with family members or roommates who may not know what your non-negotiables are. We’re just a few days away from the lunar eclipse in Libra, meaning now is the time to get rid of habits and lifestyle patterns that do you more harm than good. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, Pisces Season has been teaching you a lot about the art of being present and more mindful in your daily actions. The final stretch of the sun’s transit in Pisces will feel like a blend of peace and restlessness, as Mercury’s current presence in Aries is leading to your mind being hyperactive and filled with thrilling new plans and visions for the upcoming months and years. Meanwhile, Mars’ entrance into Pisces on the 22nd is also reminding you of the power of rest, play, and surrendering to the now moment without projecting yourself into an ideal yet unknown future. 
Aries Season begins on the 19th, and the astro new year is your invitation to redefine yourself, name your needs in your relationship with yourself and with others, and let go of preconceived notions about what’s possible for yourself and your legacy. As we approach next week’s lunar eclipse in your fellow air sign of Libra, you may decide to revamp the way you look, the way you express yourself, and the way you spend your time and energy. Boundaries are your friend. 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

The energy from the new moon in your sign is still going strong this week, Pisces, making it an ideal time to set your new moon intentions (particularly before March 20) if you haven’t yet done so. Mars, the Planet of Action, enters your sign on the 22nd and remains there for a six-week stay. This makes you one of the cosmic favorites, even if technically ends on the 19 at 11:05 p.m. EST this year. Mars in Aries will magnetize your desires and thoughts to you, so it’s essential that you surround yourself with high-vibrational people, as you’ll be quite sensitive to their energy. 
The start of the astro new year serves as a financial rebirth or breakthrough for you, Pisces. Your sector of money and security is activated by Aries Season, and with Mercury, the Planet of Communication, also in Aries for the next two months, your money making abilities will be through the roof. The key is for you to work smarter, rather than harder. Spend time this week creating a budget for Q2 and finding creative ways to ensure that you remain disciplined and committed to growing your nest egg. 

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