3 Stain Nightmares You’ll Be So Glad Didn’t Happen To You

Rest assured: Stains are not always your fault. Sure, you experience a clumsy moment from time to time, but you also can’t control the actions of others, animals, or, ya know, altitude. And nowhere is that more evident than in the second episode of Clorox's Explain The Stain. Last time, our sullied coworkers divulged some of their most tragic spills, and this time around the stories get even more intense. Specifically, there's a cat who can’t control its bodily functions, a date that had to take a hold for a bloody nose, and an audition that was sabotaged by ice cream. And the common theme is that these three storytellers are merely the victims, not the careless stainers one might perceive them to be. Watch on to see which innocent bystander got it the worst.

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