When it comes to really good vintage clothing...well, don't even get us started. Though Angelenos have their pick of choice treasure troves (Resurrection, Decades, Rachel Zoe's Heftys on trash day), we sometimes need a secret fix that's even closer to home, digitally speaking, of course. If you agree, head immediately to Portland, Oregon's newly launched Yo Vintage. Adding to the outfit's rotating Portland pop-ups, the e-commerce site offers plenty of great vintage for the taking (and we're not talking sad Pacific Northwest rain gear). Among our faves for an L.A. lady, this divine red glitter sheer dress for just $72, a gorgeous Céline trench for just $82, and a crazy-cool long pink silk dress for $88. If you have any mad money left over from all your holiday spoils, we recommend a little spin through Yo Vintage. It might not be the Rose Bowl, but the Rose Bowl isn't open in your bed at midnight on a Tuesday either!