60 Seconds to Fit
How To Perfect The Deadlift: 60 Seconds To Fit

This is how you can perfect your dead lift in one minute.

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Did you set a resolution to move even more in the new year? Or, are you just looking to kick off a new fitness routine? Our video series, 60 Seconds To Fit, is here to help. Each one-minute clip breaks down a different exercise, showing you how to do it with perfect form. "In the beginning, you might perform the moves at a slower pace and for a shorter duration than you expected, and that's okay," explains celebrity trainer Suzanne Bowen. "Having good form means you'll work the correct muscles — and help prevent injuries. It's about cultivating strength and control," she says.
Dead Lift This move may seem simple, but it’s a terrific way to tone your butt. All you need is a set of dumbbells.
Beginners: Start standing, with your feet hip-width apart, holding a set of dumbbells in front of your thighs. Hinge your hips back to lower the weights toward the floor. Squeeze your glutes to stand back up (don’t use your back). Move slowly, with control, and do 8-10 reps. Rest, and repeat two more times.
Advanced: For more of a challenge, do the move standing on one leg, which will engage your core more. Do 8-10 reps on each leg, rest, and repeat two more times.
How To Do A Deadlift, Best Exercise Method, VideoReleased on January 20, 2015