Hunt for some cool gifts here. (Coolhunting)
Crammin' for exams you crazy co-eds (and Refinery interns)? Get your finals week wardrobe in order. (College Fashion)
Get to know soy-drinking, leather-wearing, animal-loving (?) Camilla "Starketta" Staerk. (Fashion Informer)
Kate Phelan, Lucinda Chambers, Alice Temperley, and Sadie Frost discuss their Holiday outfits, making it far easier to find them at a party when you're sloshed on nog. (Guardian UK)
Hot-in-that-odd-French-way Julia Restoin-Roitfeld says her mother, Carine, would never leave Paris for American Vogue. See, we told you. (The Cut)
Imagine having to share a cubicle with this guy. Hide the good pens! (BlackBook)