Huff Po’s Best Dressed Politicians — They’re Definitely Not Who You Think

All those weeks of making lists and checking them twice must have really gone to our heads, because we've turned up yet another just-released roster — this time it's Huffington Post's roundup of the best dressed politicians. Compiled by Fashion Whip columnists Lauren Rothman and Christina Wilkie, this list doesn't exactly read like a "best of" — in some cases, it's more like a "most quirky" (Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, Rep. Frederica Wilson) or "least offensive" (Sen. Kelly Ayotte, Mitt Romney).
However, there are a few standouts that do our town proud — take Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's full-on fuchsia and Rep. Connie Mack's Tom Ford-esque tuxedo, for starters. But we're surprised to see a few names absent from the list: Primarily the prez himself, whom GQ dubs the best-dressed president since JFK, and the uber-dapper Rep. Charles Rangel (maybe not paying your taxes has a negative impact on your style-star status?). Also, are we the only ones who are a bit smitted with Joe Biden? But enough about us. Who would you add to the list? (Huffington Post)

Photo: Via Huffington Post

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