9 Hydrating Foods That Are Way Tastier Than Water

Photographed by Jenna Gang.
Maybe it's the frosty glass of rosé in front of you, or the bathroom line snaking around the bar, but sometimes when you're out, drinking water seems like the last thing you want to do — even though you know hydrating is the one surefire thing you can do to prevent a hangover. But there's another way you can replenish your fluids without drinking plain water: eat some hydrating foods.
Lots of delicious summertime foods happen to hold a lot of water, too. "Natural foods — such as fruits and veggies — are made up of a large percentage of water, which is one of the awesome benefits of adding them into your diet," says Melissa Bailey, MS, RD, LDN, a dietitian in Philadelphia. To be clear, you've still got to drink water in order to stay hydrated. But these types of foods can give you "an extra boost of hydration throughout the day," she says. So, whether you're planning a cookout or want to bring a healthy snack to your summer kickball league, here are hydrating foods to include in your spread:


Aside from being the best emoji in the land, this fruit is great because it's almost 90% water. They're also a source of antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, and potassium.


Water is literally in the name of the fruit, so it's not shocking that watermelon is made of 92% water, Bailey says. On top of that, watermelon is a good source of potassium, an important electrolyte that helps keep you hydrated.


Although cantaloupe is 90% water, that doesn't mean it's lacking in nutrients. A quarter-melon serving of cantaloupe contains vitamin A and vitamin C.


Pair sliced cucumbers with yogurt dip to score extra credit in the hydration department. Yogurt is both high in water, and has a hefty serving of potassium. And as anyone who's bit into a crunchy cucumber knows, cukes are about 96% water.


Fresh pineapple is another water-logged, vitamin-rich fruit to chop up and serve. But boozy piña colada drinks, on the other hand, have the potential to be very dehydrating — sorry.


Juicy strawberries are made up of more than 90% water. A serving of eight strawberries also contains 5% of your recommended Daily Value of potassium. And hey, you could even get wild and put strawberries in your water for double hydration.


If you avoided the celery juice craze, that's understandable, but don't write off the full-stalk version of the vegetable. Celery packs a good amount of antioxidants, some vitamins (A, C, B, K, and folate), minerals, fiber, plus potassium and sodium.

Bell Peppers

Throw some bell peppers in an iceberg lettuce salad, and you've got a hydrating side. Sliced bell peppers can also be the perfect vehicle for dipping, Bailey adds.


Radishes have a reputation for being kind of boring, but they contain a bit of potassium and sodium, plus a lot of water.


Whether it's a fresh mozzarella and tomato salad, or a can of tomato juice on the airplane, tomatoes are an awesome source of hydration. Tomatoes are also a good source of lycopene, which is an antioxidant that may protect against certain cancers.

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