I Am Doll Parts: Megan Marrin’s M. Graves Jewelry Line

There are two types of people in this world: those who pee their pants at the sight of a Chucky doll, and those who dismantled their Barbies with glee. Megan Marrin's M. Graves jewelry is for the latter. Using antique porcelain doll parts from Germany, Marrin fashions peculiar but pretty vintage chain necklaces that have won her fans like fellow jewelry designer Pamela Love. For her fall/winter '08 collection, Marrin incorporated playful shots of neon spray paint, rope-wrapped brass buckles, and vintage French ribbon for added character. Bottom line: it's a little Tim Burton, a little Madame Alexander, and a lot covetable. And no, the porcelain dolls won't come to life and kill you in your sleep. At least, we hope not.
Available at Opening Ceremony 35 Howard Street, New York, 212-219-2688 and 451 North La Cienega, 310-652-1120; For more information go to

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