Do You Know What It Really Means To Be THAT Girl?

We've come to grips with the fact that the claws come out pretty frequently in our female-driven fashion industry, and that gals can sometimes go for the jugular when they get crazy competitive (or let insecurities reign supreme). But that most certainly doesn't mean we're okay with sitting back and being complicit in the downward spiral. In fact, we should all strive to turn this nonsense upside down!
The other night, we had the privilege of sitting with some of the city's the most successful women, who all happen to be in agreement, and it was nothing short of awe-inspiring (there may or may not have been tears involved!). GenArt and Ciroc hosted an intimate dishy dinner for I AM THAT GIRL, a non-profit organization that seeks to empower women by offering an on- and offline platform to boost girls up instead of breaking them down.
The compelling night began with a punchy pep talk from founder Alexis Jones, who urged us to speak our truths, embrace our flaws, banish self-doubt, and recognize our worth. Next, as we went around the table, each proclaiming why we're a "badass," Z Berg from The Like played pretty tunes, and the lovely ladies of Elkin hosted a super-stylish presentation. Rad collabs, right? Well, that's what happens when chicas unite!
If this uplifting event offers any insight into the organization as a whole, we gotta pay it forward — hop on over to their site, and be prepared for some serious Thursday body/mind inspiration. Oh, and retract those claws, kitty cats!

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