One of our favorite things about newly platinum model Iekeliene Stange: She's not shy about self-expression. When she's not confidently cruising the runways of Galliano or Gucci, she's stalking the streets of Paris or New York in a très cool clash of patterns and vintage wares, all a perfect amalgamation of this iconoclast's unconventional style. Naturally, we wanted a front-row seat for her latest handiwork: A new exhibition of her polaroids, paintings, and drawings in conjunction with fellow artist Victor de Bie. She shared some snaps and diary blurbs from behind the scenes so we wouldn't miss a thing, and neither would you.

"The making of a knitted pony with help from my mum sister and my good friend Yngvild who came down from Norway."

"Victor and I getting the cakes ready!"

"My sister Noraly serving tea and cakes."

"My boyfriend Nick doing a bit of drilling before the show." "We had a good turnout!"

"Victor and I getting the music ready—we played old Dutch nursery rhyme records and carousel music."

"The pony made it onto the wall."

"My good helpers, and best friends, Rosanne (left) and Yngvild (right)."

"The work on the wall."

"The UMFELD Gallery family."

"Victor on the DJ table chatting with his cousins Jemma and Vera." "My sister Noraly serving tea and cakes."

"Victor and I celebrating the wonderful evening."