In case you haven't heard...Instagram is the new Twitter. Don't know what we mean? Chances are, that means you don't have an iPhone with which to experience the amazing photo-sharing app. And that makes us sad.
But now, dear non-iPhone holders, you can join the troops compulsively flipping through the completely addictive app, thanks to today's announcement that Instagram has finally arrived on the Android.
First things first, Android people, head over to Google Play to download the free S.F.-based app. Then, if you have any questions about how to use it (trust, it's simple!), you can read instructions on TechCrunch. And then, finally, start following like crazy!
Our picks for the coolest local Instagram feeds are all contained in this handy dandy roundup. Plus, of course, there's the @refinery29 handle for all things style, and finally, you can get sneak peeks at our S.F. shoots and the lives of our Bay-based editors over at @katiehintzzambrano and @angelatafoya. See you on the flip side!
Photo: Via Instagram