Trippin’! BFFs Travel Cross-Country, Gorgeous Snaps On Instagram

Admit it: You’re guilty of spending time on the clock, wishing you could be exploring the world instead of sitting in your cubicle. Don’t worry, we’ve all done it. Well, two darling, Canadian BFFs actually took the leap, abandoning their jobs for an American road trip that puts Thelma and Louise to shame. And, luckily for us, we get to go with them! (Well, sort of.)
Kyla Threthaway and Jill Mann are documenting all the new sights and experiences on their shared Instagram account, aptly dubbed Our Wild Abandon, for a collection of snaps that give off major vacay life envy.
After saying sayonara to their boyfriends, putting in their two weeks, and buying a trailer (dubbed Bobby Jean, naturally) they took to 'gram, sharing their wanderlust with the world.
From throwing peace signs in the middle of the desert to dipping their toes into a reservoir located inside a cave, these two ladies have skyrocketed to the top of our Rad To The Bone list. And, the best part? They’re still on the road. Here's hoping they come to San Francisco next... (Instagram)