Irony Alert: Oyster Mag Declares Print Is Dead In Their Racy New Redesign

The latest issue of Aussie fashion fave Oyster magazine just arrived with a massive redesign, but besides the new logo (won't anyone ever get sick of Helvetica, please?) and the vampy cartoon model, we're loving the ironic cover declaration: print is dead! Despite the demise of some really good monthlies (Domino...sniff) and lingering rumors that Oyster itself was going belly-up, we just can't imagine life without our favorite paper fashion tomes. If you don't believe us, check out this issue, with 210 pages packed with lush images by Elvis Di Fazio, Liz Ham, and Bec Parsons, not to mention the first full length editorial from SOYA winner Nirrimi Hakanson. Add to that, editor-at-large Jamie Huckbody interviews Pierre Cardin and offers a notable tribute to Irving Penn. If print is dead, it sure doesn't show it in this issue.

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