It Happened This (Sad) Week: Kelly Cutrone Will Not Be Fucked With, Wimbledon Is Off To a Shiny Start, and Pat Field Is No Recessionista

1. Two Angels are in heaven, and let God be with them. (Pipeline, Fashionologie)
2. Kelly Cutrone fires an intern for blogging the sordid details of the office and lets her down gently with this little admonishment: "I'm going to sue the fuck out of your family if you don't take it down immediately and your college tuition is going to seem like pittance after you face my wrath." (The Cut)
3. We find out that Yigal Azrouël is not only not gay, but that he's also been cozying up to Katie Lee Joel. (Page Six)
4. The September Issue movie nights replace dinners at The Waverly and late nights at Bea as the new "It"ness. (The Cut)
5. Pat Field pulls out of styling the Sex and the City sequel because Sarah Jessica Parker wants to transform Carrie from "fashionista to recessionista." Well, digging through sales racks and fighting off women at Century 21 doesn't exactly make for the most glamorous of opening sequences. (Grazia)
6. Wimbledon kicks off, but the jolly Brits do not like how shiny Roger Federer has become. (Telegraph)
7. Hipsters to be judged and laughed at, yet again. (The Observer)
8. Not only might Emma Watson design a clothing line, but she might also attend school in our great city of New York. (StyleList, Just Jared)
9. Jay Lyons, dirty, confused "downtown boy" on The City, will be replaced by "commercial real estate" dude Freddie Fackelmayer (let's laugh at that name for a minute). But what will happen to her ungoing war between uptown and downtown? (Page Six)