It Happened This Week: The Pantless March On, Pacifying Hipsters, and Vera Wang Just Wants to Dance, Dance, Dance

the week that was.
1. Vera Wang joined the cast of Dancing With the Stars, becoming the Cloris Leachman of the fashion world. (My Fashion Life)
2. Keeping in the same economic vein, young ladies everywhere are saving their pennies by simply going pantless. If we could just get men to drop trou as well, we might be able to cancel the national debt! (Daily Beast)
3. Courtney Love may be working on her own clothing line. Our fear is only equaled by our curiosity. (Pipeline)
4. Hermès announced its been raising its own crocodiles for to make purses, thus preserving the endangered, rarely seen wild fake crocodile. (The Cut)
5. Interview Magazine spun wildly out of control, threatening to destroy itself with vengeful comings, spiteful goings, and general backbiting. Isn't publishing great, kids? (FWD)
Read on for more of the weeks after the break...
7. And, hell, if we all just wore the same dress every day for a year we could end world hunger. Think about it, man. Think about it. (WWWTZ)
8. Mike Albo got up on his soapbox and tried to, "to create lasting peace between hipsters and greater New York City." Sorry, Mike—the scruffy masses will remain in riot until the day they start making Sparks again. (NYT)
9. An era ended as the DKNY wall at the top of SoHo became just another putty-colored slab of brick. Funny how ads get into your heart like that. (Animal)
10. Fleur Cowles of Flair passed on
leaving a tradition of style behind. (Pipeline)
leaving a tradition of style behind. (Pipeline)