Star Wars characters get dressed up in their 1875 best, and the results look rather presidential. And hey, the way things are going these days, we wouldn't be surprised if Darth Vader and Boba Fett jumped into the presidential race at the 11th hour. (Highsnobiety)
We're glad that one of this year's best-selling prom dresses is being banned by schools. And not because it's scandalously cut, but because it's one of the ugliest things we've ever set eyes on. Can't. Un-see. (The Hairpin)
We know you and your sweetie sometimes think you're the only two people who exist in the world. Well, now you can indulge your fantasy with this couples-only social network, which is thankfully more of a text messaging service and less of a virtual make-out-on-a-crowded-subway or walk-with-your-hands-in-each-other's-pockets service. (PSFK)
According to Karl Lagerfeld, the iconic pink Chanel suit Jackie Kennedy was wearing the day her husband was assassinated was a fake...kind of. (Fashionista)
You know nothing is sacred anymore when the guy on the Quaker Oatmeal box undergoes plastic surgery. Because really, if he has issues with his body, where does that leave the rest of us? (Jezebel)

Photo: Via Highsnobiety