In case you're feeling blue about the holidays being over, note this: BBC reported that we ate (and, no doubt drank) about 7,000 calories on Christmas day. So, if 3,500 calories equals a pound, you do the math on that one.
But, don't resolve to eat anything but kale all month just yet. According to research by the psychologists at the University College London, it takes about 66 days to create a new habit. So, that means sticking to your plan until early March — and not just your diet. This includes limiting your smoking, drinking, caffeine, sugar — or any other pesky habit you're trying to break. And, experts say you have to adopt an all-or-nothing attitude if you really want to make a life-long change — there's no such thing as easy street. Check a detailed analysis for your vice here and remember this: Play hard. Work harder. (BBC)