Best of the Week: January 19 – January 23

best-of-week-012309.jpgHot Wheels: Cruising the Coolest Bike Style from NYC to London
The bicycle is all about coasting with your hair in the wind. A leisurely activity that looks good, is healthy for the environment, and styles up real nice too. Plus it sure is better than slummin' it on the F train.
Skin & Style on Display at Rio Fashion Week
How do you say "Omigod I wish I was there" in Portuguese??
Art School: Meet The New Generation of Artist-Cum-Designers
From Alyson Fox's delicate drawings to David Saunders bright graphic prints, these peeps have talent in a multiple of arty realms. We're admiring and (maybe) (sometimes) a wee (just a wee) bit envious.
Current/Elliot's Beat-Up Americana Denim—Now for Guys!
A lot of trendy, of-the-moment jeans are courtesy of the Swedes. Here's a lil classic American denim to throw in the mix. It's, like, basically patriotic to cover your ass in American style. Yeah!
Rad or Bad? Revenge of the Scrunchie
Whaaaat? This better not be coming back. No, no! It's too much trauma.
Oak Kicks Up Their First Shoe Collection
Peep-toe lace-up suede shoes from Oak! We've been waiting for them without even knowing it.
VPL Straps On A Sexy Summer Delivery
...Has Victoria Bartlett been watching Flashdance? It sure looks like it. Fantastico.
And Our Nominees Are...Fashion From The Oscar Short List
Cate Blanchett's tirelessly fashionable wardrobe, the late Heath Ledger's purple suit, Rourke in spandex. Who needs the Academy? We've condensed the recent cinematic scene rather perfectly.
10 Under $50: Discounted Goods That Are Big On Style
"Under $50" is the inevitable heir to "under $100." How low can you go...
Ice Princess: Furry Eastern-European Headgear Hits the Streets
The fur hat: it's gone a long way from the hunting man's practical accessory to the modern urbanite's chic head-warmer. PETA may come after you with a bucket of flour, but Karl approves.

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