It's no secret that Jay-Z is a huge Barack Obama fan, and the two have a pretty friendly rapport. Both Jay and Beyoncé have been openly and obviously supporting the democratic candidate — in a way that is ostensibly more obvious than your average politically active celeb. In fact, Jay-Z set out to do one more last-minute push for 'Bam in Ohio, where he admitted he was told to watch his language, a promise he immediately broke when he substituted the lyrics for "99 Problems."
Cleverly, Jay sang, "If you're having world problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems...but Mitt ain't one." He then proceeded to do the song before "(the Secret Service) comes up here."
While Obama has admitted to listening to Jay's jams in the past, he has avoided the more explicit of his tunes, saying that he prefers "My First Song" instead.