Jeannine Morris is the real deal. Living the beauty-fan's dream, she worked her way up from edit internships to a job at Cosmopolitan to on-camera gigs on the red carpet, covering A-list celebs. She's crowned that all with what's become a true mark of success for any new-media-age journalist: her own website (hey, it worked for our editor-in-chief). From behind the controls at BeautySweetSpot.com, she shares tips, tricks, and inside deets, covering all the rising trends while managing to contribute to television shows, magazines, and more.
Thing is, though, she's got a habit. Like so many of us, she's been sucked in by Pinterest. We looked at her amazing beauty board — full of stunning, shimmering bold-lip looks — and just couldn't figure out how she has time to put it together and still create all that killer content. Like we said, she's the real deal.
Revlon ColorStay Ultimate Suede Lipstick in Fashionista, $9.99, available at drugstore.com.