In these times of scrimping and saving, it came as a bit of a shock to the American people that the executives of the Big Three automakers flew into Washington to ask for a several billion in bailout dollars on private jets. The nerve of some people. Well, you're better than that—you fly coach. We figure that if you have to muddle through this tough economy in steerage, you might as well look and feel like you just got out of the Admiral's Club or that you're only flying commercial because the Lear is in the shop. Enjoy these high-flying eBay finds and happy travels.
Above, clockwise from upper left:
Vintage Samsonite Hat Box: Just in case you're bringing along your fancy hat collection, make sure they travel in safety—and style.
Vintage Hermes Scarf: An accessory inspired by old European travels, even if you're just headed to L.A.
Ghurka Duffel: A classic, plus you and your man-friend can take turns using it.
Vintage Burberry Trench: Possibly the best cover-up ever invented—in theory, you could be wearing sweats underneath (not that you ever would!) and you'd still look impossibly chic.

Above, clockwise from upper left:
Vintage Cashmere Cape: Because that plain black cashmere wrap is such a bore.
Vintage Train Case: For keeping all your faux bling (or maybe just some licorice) safe and sound onboard.
Vintage Mink Capelet: Paris, 1953, walking down Les Champs Elysees, red lipstick, perfect tailored suit, stockings with a seam on the back. Don't you see it?
Vintage Lipstick Case: You can't just leave that tube of Chanel lipstick floating around your purse—we almost want to think lipstick looks better when it's applied from a case like this.