John Galliano’s Racist Rant Was Caught On Video, Declares “I Love Hitler”

Since Friday's news broke of Galliano's anti-Semitic rant at Paris cafe La Perle Bar and his subsequent suspension from Christian Dior, rumors of what he exactly said and the motivations for his tirade have been circulating the Internet like crazy. A new video taken at another time should add fuel to the flame; It shows Galliano attacking a couple, telling them that "I love Hitler. People like you would be dead. Your mothers, your forefathers, would all be fucking gassed." He was apparently sitting alone at a bar, where he was interjecting into the conversation of the couple next to him, offending them with his anti-Italian and -Semitic comments. Regarding his most recent altercation, Galliano has sued Geraldine Bloch and Philippe Virgitti from La Perle Bar for defamation, injury, and menace. The three parties are set to meet in a police station of Paris’ third arrondissement to resolve issues. (Sun)

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