Are we having a "thundersnow?" It's a rare weather condition—thunderstorms have snow falling instead of rain. We're not sure we care what it is, it's still snowy as all get out. (Gothamist)
Apparently John Lennon would have totally used Twitter and loved Lady Gaga, according to Yoko Ono. Can you just imagine the tweetathons between @ladygaga and @johnlennon? We think it would beat Bieber and Kanye. (Gawker)
So Chloë Sevigny has seen the funny video spoofs on her starring Drew Droege and she "doesn't get it." Uh, we do. (Perez Hilton)
Some little tidbits of wisdom from Fuck Yeah Menswear: Try "macking on bomb dot com broads." (New York Observer)
Jay-Z was spotted Christmas Eve at Hermès buying some loot for lady love Beyonce. We're talking $350,000 worth of love under the Christmas tree. Yo B, can you spare a Birkin? (New York Post)