John Oliver Is Fed Up With Your Pumpkin Spice Obsession

It was only a matter of time before John Oliver weighed in on the pumpkin spice craze — arguably the biggest issue facing the world right now (other than ISIS, Ebola, and all that other stuff).
Everyone and their mother has an opinion on the proper use of pumpkin. Even us! Either you love the rotund orange gourd and would bathe in its nuttiness if it was socially acceptable, or, well, you don't.
No big surprise here, but Oliver is in the latter camp.
“It’s that special time of year where we voluntarily imbibe pumpkin spice lattes, the coffee that tastes like a candle,” the Last Week Tonight host said in a video just released online. “I don’t mean it tastes like a candle smells. I mean it tastes like a candle tastes. Don’t ask me how I know that.”
Oliver also reveals that every American eats, on average, five pounds of pumpkin a year. Wait, what? That's a lot of pumpkin, considering they're only omnipresent for a couple months in the fall. After that, don't they all turn into carriages? Or is it the other way around. Great, now we're confused.
Let's let Mr. Oliver clear things up, shall we?

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