It was pretty cool when the The Courier-Journal of Louisville had an illustrator ink their entire cover—impressive, no? While perhaps not as exhaustive a process, the retraced, restyle mag covers by artist John-Paul Thurlow are perhaps even cooler. Well into a project where he will recast his favorite magazine covers from his extensive library with his pencils and pens, Thurlow has already given us black-and-white renditions of Pop, Vogue, Crash, and others, tracing the contours of faces like Lindsay Lohan, Kate Moss, and the iconic image of John Lennon wrapped naked around Yoko Ono. The images may be shadows, shades of covers that are either so familiar or so typical that we don't even stop to look as we walk on by. Funny how just a few lines and a little bit of paper can make the old new again. (Trend Land)