Gaga goes to Harvard in one of her most demure outfits yet... Seriously, even that architectural fascinator seems pretty tame for Mama Monster. (Fashion Week Daily)
Get your early 19th Century on with this cool tumblr dedicated to old (and impeccably designed) duds. Sometimes, we think it would have been cool to live back then if only for the clothes, and then we remember all of the female oppression and lead-based beauty products. (The Hairpin)
Also, there's no reason for you to hog all the style in your house. In fact, now your lightbulbs can get in on the floral trend. (Design Sponge)
Although the idea of plastic surgery often brings to mind the likes of Joan Rivers and Heidi Montag (yes, you can shudder), those who choose to undergo extreme procedures can actually end up looking like classic beauties. (Flavorwire)
You know what would make your birthday better? Getting a Justin Bieber greeting card from Hallmark. No, really, they exist now, and look as awful as you think they would. (Teen Vogue)

Photo: Via The Hairpin