Check out photos of a rather smoldering Kate Moss modeling her final Topshop collection, available November 2nd. (InStyle)
Justin Beiber's a natural beauty, or so says the Brazilian teen mag that denies Photoshop claims. Natural eyeliner and mauve lips? What a lucky dude. (Popeater)
An adult website has offered Lilo a "marketing" job in order to pay for rehab. Reassuring fact of the day: No matter how deep you are in debt, there's always porn. (Radar)
Morbid Necropolis Expo-goers gathered for a Funeral Fashion Show yesterday. Just because we're sharing it doesn't mean we understand it any better than you do. (Styleite)
Designers care what you think! Or at least Derek Lam does, whose eBay diffusion line allows his fans to vote on which garments actually get sent into production. (The Cut)