Todd Selby takes us inside the New Zealand pad of fashion designer Karen Walker, her creative director husband Mikhail Ghermain, and her babies. (The Selby)
10 celebrity powder mishaps that will definitely make you feel better about yourself. (The Frisky)
This season, bigger isn't better—at least, not where bags are concerned. Everyone from Reed Krakoff to Prada has petite pouches. (Fashion Etc)
In a new commercial making the internet rounds, a guitar wielding, rabbit headpiece-wearing male model serenades Kate Moss who bumps and grinds to the beat in a sweater for Chilean fashion brand Basement. She's a supermodel. Don't question it. (The Huffington Post)
Promise Keeper, Reebok's new mobile app for the iPhone and Android, lets your friends on Facebook and Twitter know when you are scheduling a run and whether or not you actually go on that run. It's all about accountability people! (PSFK)