Boom! There it is. The sun-dappled, fun-lovin' shot, which captured so much of that wild, weekend spirit, that we just had to award its photographer $1,000 worth of cool, colorful Kate Spade Saturday pieces and the perfect Saturday experience. It's the ideal capper for our #SaturdayEveryDay contest, one that saw so many spirited, smile-inducing Instagram shots that we became giddy just sorting through them.
And the sharp-eyed photog behind that snap? Why it's Kathryn Taylor Booth, an art history major at UCLA who has quite the wonderful Instagram account. Actually, that artistic major might explain why her sunny pic was clearly shot with a SLR. Take note, aspiring Instagram champions, running your hi-res photos through an iPhone does pay off.
As Booth says about her killer snap, "I saw this shot in my mind before I took it. Through the reflection of these lenses, our perfect day seemed as infinite as the sea." Nice. Booth also revealed what she's going to do with all her stylish winnings. "I plan to completely, and shamelessly, indulge myself for my upcoming graduation in June while revamping my wardrobe with all the bright colors and clean prints of Kate Spade Saturday in preparation for my move to Italy in the fall!" Italy? Jealous. That's what we are. Jealous.
Okay, Instagrammers, that's all she wrote for this contest — but rest assured, there will be another chance for you to win big with your shots on R29 soon. As for the Kate Spade Saturday clothes? Well, you can start whipping up your own perfect weekend (or weekday) ensemble for summer right here. Have fun!
Photo: Via @kt_booth/Instagram