In a move that may piss off her current clients, People's Revolution's Kelly Cutrone is moving farther away from publicizing other people with her latest venture—a clothing line called Electric Light Army she's launching with Tory Burch's ex-husband (and current chariman of Tory Burch), Chris Burch. Today
revealed all the details of the unlikely pairing of a Bravo reality star (Kell On Earth) and a venture capitalist, who met outside of the then empty Alexander Wang store. Burch wanted to know if it was available, Cutrone, sitting on a nearby bench, told him "It's not for rent." The publicist's savoir-faire eventually led to a full blown partnership: Last week People's Revolution finalized a deal with Burch on Electric Love Army (ELA) sportswear, set to hit stores in February of next year. The collection is all about female empowerment, with references to Katy Perry and Joan Jett set to appeal to the 18 to 34 female demographic, or "some cool granola girl mixed with the ultimate fashion chick," according to Cutrone. Prices will range from $30 to $300, and average out at $77, and leather will not be used. They aim to open two to five freestanding stores in the first year, with some major global ambitions should all go well. Who smells another reality show coming on?