A Legendary Local Dish Gets The Kelly Waters And Sous Style Treatment

If there's one certainty in S.F., it's that food and art get people talking. But, combine the two and you've tapped into an intriguing (not to mention tasty) intersection. That being said, it’s no secret we’re inspired by local artist Kelly Waters’ ability to do just that. Her Bloody Mary illustrations prove this to be true.
Well, her most recent, elegantly designed watercolor pieces have caught the eye of another style site (and one of our go-tos), Sous Style. This time Waters has rendered one of San Francisco's most savory dishes from Mission hotspot Craftsman & Wolves.
Her interpretation of the storied egg-in-a-biscuit dish, The Rebel Within, has us seriously salivating at our desks. "Searching for the next project to take on after my Bloody Mary series, I found myself focusing more on food,” says Waters. “Around the same time I came across Sous Style and really loved its aesthetic and approach to design and food. I wrote them about contributing to its 'Illustrated Plate' series. Pippa and Lianna wrote me back almost immediately and said they were definitely interested in a collaboration and were looking to expand beyond their NYC boundaries.” Okay, who is ready to get their grub on?

Photo: Courtesy of Kelly Waters/Sous Style