In America, at least, it felt like you were an overnight success. How did the quick and viral success of your video with Gotye impact you? Was it expected?
"It was pretty crazy. I mean, like I've said in interviews before, we did the vocals for it in my bedroom. It was really this casual thing where he just came around, and neither of us had quite predicted the type of success it would have. I mean, I knew it was a great song, but it's just resonated with people on a much deeper level."
You have such a great sense of fashion. How do you prevent getting bored with all of your clothes on tour?
"Oh, secondhand shops! I always like to stop by and pick things up. I don't have my sewing machine on tour, but I have a lot of safety pins! I'm a big fan of taking items and making them my own with frocks. I also like to play with makeup, too!"
What are some of your must-have beauty products? How do you stay feeling pretty on the road?
"Well, I get lots of rest and drink tons of water to keep my skin clear. Also, a comb! I keep this with me all the time. I have bangs, so it's important they look sharp. Also…bold lips are a must!"
Look, we know New Zealand and Australia aren't the same place (many of our Aussie/NZ pals have given us lectures a-plenty!), but how does being so isolated help your music? Do you think that there is a specific Down Under aesthetic?
"I don't know if there is a particular aesthetic that makes us 'Australian' or 'New Zealand.' There is just a great community and a lot of creative individuals doing their own thing. It's incredibly encouraging."
What about local designers?
"The designers from Australia are amazing. I really love Jaime Lee and Elliot Ward Fear. It's so experimental — there is a lot of creative freedom. I guess that's what we get living out there. We get to observe what you all are doing and incorporate it and react to it, but we are given the freedom to play around without having direct contact. It's a really great community."
You just kicked off your tour in the United States. Are you going to see any bands in Austin while you're here?
"I barely have time to breathe let alone see bands here, though I wish I could! I just got in from L.A., where I was working on a track with Foster The People, and then I toured a bit with Gotye. Come this summer, I'll be with Foster, too, so it's busy. I'll be away from home for a while!"
Photographed by Christy Kurtz