Got a case of the January blues? While we've seen men's shoes jump on this trend, it seems people on the streets have been embracing their own blue period, above the toes that is. But this isn't your boring old blue: The Superman-style cobalt color is seriously attention-grabbing, paired against black, whites, and shades of neutral. It always seems trends come in and out in opposites, so as mimosa is slated to be 2009's shade of choice, perhaps we had to have its contrasting bright blue hue to prep for the upcoming fizzy yellow-orange appearance. Here, we've pulled some real looks from around the globe for inspiration. (Paris's Garance Doré is really leading the charge on documenting this one!)
Above, from left: Photo via Garance Doré, Paris; Photo via Garance Doré, Paris.

Above, from left: Photo via Garance Doré, Paris; Photo via Garance Doré, Paris.

Above, from left: Photo via Lookbook.nu, Leksand; Photo via Lookbook.nu, Toronto.