What do monks and Lady Gaga have in common? Aside from attempting to reach Nirvana, Gaga is going co-coon and taking a vow of silence (and, of course, talking about it). What?! Probably the last time you'll see hear her on air (at least for now) will be on this Sunday's pre-recorded episode of Oprah's Next Chapter, where the singer will announce her vow of silence (now already into effect). She told Ms. Winfrey herself, "Other than this interview, Oprah, I do not intend to speak to anyone for a very long time...No press, no television."
WOAH. Could be social suicide (like deleting your Facebook?). But fear not, Gaga still has a Twitter (the first lady to accumulate 20 million followers, actually), and we all know tweeting doesn't count as talking, right?.
What do you think? Is she just trying to keep her Poker Face or is this for real? Tell us in the comments below!
Photo: Courtesy of E! Online