Who needs Kate Middleton? We've got our own royal princess. If you're not quite familiar with our monarchy, look no further than Ralph Lauren, whose son David is engaged to another scion of the American aristocracy—Lauren Bush. The niece of G.W. opens up in the May issue of Harper's Bazaar about her engagement, style, and of course, what's she going to be wearing to her wedding (like there was a possibility it wouldn't be Ralph). Then there's that name, "Out of all the people I could've met and fallen in love with," says Bush of her fiance, "it's just ironic that David would end up with someone named Lauren." The model and philanthropist (she's behind FEED bags) thinks her married moniker will be Lauren-Bush-Lauren—"that's not final, but I think it's nice to have the same name as your husband. I am sort of old-fashioned in that way." Well, that's better than Lauren Lauren, right?