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A Week In New York On A $37,700 Salary

Welcome to Money Diaries where we are tackling the ever-present taboo that is money. We’re asking real people how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we’re tracking every last dollar.

Today: a law clerk and part-time law student who makes $37,700 per year and who spends some of her money this week on a cap and gown for graduation.

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Occupation: Law clerk and part-time law student
Industry: Legal
Age: 27
Location: New York
Salary: $37,700
Assets: Checking account: $1,300; savings $730; Roth IRA: $1,600; HYSA: $700
Debt: ~$68,000 in student loans for law school.
Paycheck Amount: Job #1: $450 (every two weeks); job #2: $700 (every two weeks); job #3: $150 (weekly).
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses

Housing Costs:
$1,145 in rent (I split a three-bedroom apartment with two roommates, E. and M.; this is my share for the big room); $~65 for internet, gas and electricity.
Class Pass: $55
Spotify: $11.99
iCloud: $2.99
Google Photos: $2.17
Roth IRA: $25
Savings: $25
HYSA: $25
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
Definitely. My dad graduated college and my mom graduated high school, and they emphasized working hard and getting a degree while also teaching us “street smarts”. They were encouraging, but they both grew up in Ireland and so they were not able to be super helpful with the American college application process. I attended a city school on full scholarship for college, and then worked for a few years as a nanny and a tutor to save money for law school. I am currently in law school on partial scholarship, but that doesn’t cover everything, even with federal student loans. I elected to go to law school part time so that I could work ~35 hours a week to cover tuition and living expenses. For my last year, my parents are helping out with tuition ($600 a month) to help me cover the last bit.

Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent(s)/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
We didn’t have a lot of conversations about money. We knew not to ask for things we didn’t need, and were taught to be appreciative of what we had. My parents taught us the importance of always having some cash saved, buying property if we can, and paying off credit cards in full. My dad’s cousin works in finance and always told us about the importance of investing, but I am only just now starting to put my focus on that — she will definitely be someone I chat with about money in the coming months and years for advice.

What was your first job and why did you get it?
I babysat and did some cat sitting as a preteen for people in the neighborhood, but my first W2 job was as a sales associate in a clothing store when I was 15, and I also lifeguarded at a summer camp that year. I got the job for pocket money so I could hang out with my friends.

Did you worry about money growing up?
For the most part, no, thankfully. Both my parents worked and my dad was a union member with good benefits. My parents own their home and there was always enough money for a vacation and everything we needed. When I got into my preteens and teens, I worried more about it as I became more aware, as work was not going well for my dad and my parents were paying for college for my older brother. It informed my choice in college as I didn’t want to add stress.

Do you worry about money now?
Yes. I am so lucky not to have loans from college, but my law school loans scare me. I turned down a full law school scholarship for a partial scholarship at a school that was higher ranked, and I’m worried that was the wrong choice. The school I went to was supposed to lead to better job prospects, but the post-grad fellowship I secured is not high paying. That said, I am incredibly lucky to have secured something, as a lot of my public interest-minded friends haven’t found positions due to the current political landscape. I also work while going to school, but it still doesn’t feel like enough. My little sister is already making good money and I just feel like I’m behind, especially as I had to borrow money from her last month to go to a friend’s wedding. I also have some dental problems due to being pretty sick during my adolescence, and I worry about costs related to that in the future. Long story short, money is definitely a trigger for my anxiety, and while the last couple years I’ve largely been avoiding thinking about it, I’m trying to get a better handle on things now, hence the low amounts in my HYSA and Roth.

At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
I first became financially independent at 22 after college when I moved to Spain to teach English. That said, I am not fully financially independent right now and my family is a key safety net. I moved home for four months rent free when the pandemic hit, and then moved home again for three months after a breakup a couple years back. I have managed things the last few years, but this school year, my parents have helped with $600 a month for tuition payments that aren’t covered by my scholarship, loans, and my own savings. They are also currently covering my phone payment on the family plan. I feel incredibly lucky to have my family as a support system.

Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
When I was in college, my parents covered my groceries and transportation costs and I got a small stipend as part of my scholarship. When I turned 25, a family member (my dad’s cousin — the one that works in finance) gave me $5,000 based on bonds she had gotten for my siblings and me since we were born. I used the money to pay off some of my student loan, put money into savings (which I used to pay tuition), and paid the security deposit on the apartment I was moving into. I also received a scholarship during law school.

Day One: Saturday

8:15 a.m. — I am awake this early on a Saturday morning against my will. This is my last semester of part-time law school, and to get in all my credits, one of my classes is a weekend intensive. This is the second weekend. It’s interesting and focuses on alternative dispute resolution, but wow, I want to be asleep. I hop in the shower and make a quick breakfast: instant oatmeal made with banana and 2% milk, topped with some cashews. There’s not enough protein so I put two scoops of collagen peptides in some water, but they don’t mix and end up super clumpy. Gross. I grab some cold brew coffee from the fridge and add it to my thermos with some 2% milk, then I’m out the door to take the subway to class. Class begins at 10 a.m. with some group simulations. I realize I missed some of the required reading so I’m winging it — off to a good start. $2.90
11:45 a.m. — We have a quick break and I grab a Coke Zero from the vending machine. This class runs until 5 p.m. and I am in need of some caffeine. $3
12:30 p.m. — I head to the cafeteria for lunch with my friend, E. We met during our first week of law school, bonding over taking the same train back to Astoria. For lunch, I packed some meal-prepped rice, sauteed onion and peppers, and ground turkey, topped with guacamole and diced tomatoes. E. and I chat about her fiancé’s upcoming birthday. 
1:30pm — We head back to class and admittedly, I zone out a little. I send some emails related to a student org I am a part of, which is focused on voting rights. I read some Onyx Storm fan theories on Reddit (Rebecca Yarros, who turned venin? Pls). I read a Money Diary that discusses egg donation and make a mental note to research further as a way to pay down my loans. Do a few more group simulations. 
5:30 p.m. — After class ends, I have a Zoom meeting to prep with my classmate and an actor for our direct examination demonstration next week. I am taking a class where we practice opening arguments, witness questioning, and entering exhibits into evidence. It’s hard but I really like it, and it’s the first time in law school that I feel I can actually be a lawyer. I head down and heat up my early dinner — some Progresso homestyle chicken soup — then scroll on Instagram for a bit before my meeting.
7:15 p.m. Finally leaving campus. My meeting went well, though we struggled with some ways to get in some hearsay. I head to the subway and swipe in ($2.90). On the way home I read The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary. My roommate C. recommended it because it’s her favorite book. It’s cute and light so far. When I get off at my stop, I realize I’m still hungry and pick up two slices of pizza at my local spot. I opt for a chicken and broccoli slice (the best slice, imo) and a chicken, tomato, and red onion slice. I also got some marinara sauce for dipping ($11). I have the chicken broccoli slice with a side of cucumber and hummus for ~balance~. I save the second slice of pizza to bring for lunch with me tomorrow. I relax in the living room watching Sex Lives of College Girls until C. comes in to chat and gives me one of the dino chicken nuggets she just made. I grab a pina colada buzzball out of the freezer to try. Verdict: It’s fine. $13.90
10 p.m. — I brush my teeth, wash my face, and then finally sit down to skim the reading while Modern Family plays in the background. Head to sleep around midnight. 
Daily Total: $19.80

Day Two: Sunday

8:15 a.m. — I get up and make breakfast: instant oatmeal made with banana and 2% milk, topped with some cashews. Learning from yesterday, I mix my collagen peptides into the oatmeal (a game changer). At 9 a.m., I head out to catch the train and see I just missed one, so I head to the deli to kill some time. I get a medium coffee with half-and-half with sugar, and some gum for the ensuing coffee breath. I usually don’t take sugar in my coffee, but I am exhausted and it’s gross outside and I. Need. It. ($6). I then swipe in for the subway ($2.90) and wait. Of course, it’s delayed. I watch a YouTube video (a Shrek rap) my friend H. sent me and we chat about her morning sickness (H. is a long-distance friend — she moved to Texas, and we keep in contact pretty regularly). I get to class a few minutes late. $8.90
12:30 p.m. — We break for lunch. I heat up my leftover slice of pizza and have it with some cucumbers and hummus and an apple I brought from home. I read some of my book while I eat. E. joins me after picking up some vegan Thai food, and shares some of her vegan dumplings with me. We go back to class at 1:30 p.m. to work in our groups. The rest of the class goes well and the professor has kind words of encouragement and guidance for us as we finish the intensive.
5 p.m. — I leave school and walk to the subway and swipe in ($2.90) to head home. The train is moving at a glacial pace, but I snag a seat and get to do some reading (still The Flatshare). I get home and get changed to head to a Super Bowl party with C. $2.90
6:15 p.m. — We walk the 20 minutes to our friends S. and A.’s apartment for the Super Bowl gathering. I am not interested in football, but I will go anywhere if my roommate’s buffalo chicken dip is involved. We chat and snack, none of us paying much attention to the actual game, except for C., who has placed a couple of small bets. Over the course of the evening, I have some chips, dip, a bit of salad, a couple small football-shaped cookies, and two pineapple White Claws. C. ends up winning $83, woo! I lose the $20 I spent last week on a box in the Super Bowl pool in my office, but I get to spend the evening playing with S. and A.’s adorable black cat, so who is the real winner here? 
11 p.m. — We walk home and I feel utterly exhausted. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and go lay down. I take some extra melatonin and spritz my pillow with lavender, praying that I can get some sleep. I fall asleep around midnight.
Daily Total: $11.80

Day Three: Monday

10:00 a.m. — I first woke up at 5 a.m., but I was not ready to start the day, so I drifted in and out of sleep for another few hours. It’s Monday and I work from home this morning for a labor law office (job #1). I review a memo for one of my supervising attorneys and do some Westlaw research. My mom FaceTimes me briefly to say hi, and we make a plan for me to work from my parents’ house tomorrow so I can see them. At 11 a.m., my stomach rumbles, so I get up to make some breakfast: two slices of toast with honey goat’s cheese, fig butter, and a fried egg. I don’t have any coffee left so I make a mug of lemon ginger tea. While the water boils, I snack on a few cashews and a small piece of gingerbread that my mom’s friend had made. I also put some chicken I had been defrosting into the oven to meal prep. 
12:30 — I sign my offer letter from the labor law office for my one year postgraduate fellowship. It’s not great pay, but I like the work because collective bargaining is so important. The job will continue to be remote, which I love. I’ve worked for this office since my second year of law school and it used to be in person, so it is nice knowing everyone already. 
1:45 p.m. — I place my order for my cap and gown for my law school graduation ($19.71). Eek! I get unexpectedly emotional. It has been a long few years and I’m proud of myself, but also very nervous about the bar exam. I spend the rest of work doing some admin. My afternoon remote class got cancelled, so I decide to have an early lunch: guacamole, sliced cucumber, baked pita chips, and some of the chicken I cooked earlier. I then head out to the grocery store to pick up fruit, chicken, tuna, Greek yogurt, eggs, cold brew, milk, seltzer, lentil soup, pesto, fresh veggies, and hummus. ($86.10). I take a nap when I get home before a Zoom meeting with my classmate. $105.81
5pm — I get a call from my therapist, B.; I completely spaced about our appointment — I have another prep session for my direct examination with my classmate that I can’t skip. B. is thankfully very chill about it and we reschedule. B. is great, and I have been seeing her weekly since I started law school. I venmo her for the appointment because I failed to cancel ahead of time ($30 — part of my monthly therapy cost). 
7:15 p.m. — After my Zoom meeting with my classmate, I grab a vanilla Chobani as a pre-workout snack. I then head to my boxing class. I am not in the mood to workout but I feel like I haven’t gotten enough movement in the last couple days. At 8:30 p.m., the workout is done and I’m happy I did it. The coach, L., is so encouraging and patient with my poor hand-eye coordination. I head home to make dinner: pasta in pesto sauce topped with green peas, feta, and cannellini beans sauteed with garlic, onions, tomato, and lemon juice. I eat and then do my dishes while listening to the first few chapters of the audiobook version of Yellowface by RF Kuang. I add 10 credits to my ClassPass app as I realize I only have four credits left for this cycle. $26.13 
10:30 pm — I hop in the shower after taking out the trash and recycling. I listen to my Spotify daylist, which heavily features Hozier, my Irish king. I brush my teeth, take two melatonin and journal for a few minutes. I fall asleep sometime before midnight. 
Daily Total: $131.94

Day Four: Tuesday

8:30 a.m. — I get up after tossing and turning all night and get my laundry together before heading to my parents’ house. I do take my laundry to my parents’ house; please don’t come at me. It’s a way to save time and get laundry done while I work, and the laundromat by my apartment is not great. It’s okay, my family makes fun of me for it all the time, but also hated when I used to drop off my laundry to the laundromat, so it's a compromise. Once at my parents’ house, I put on a load of laundry while talking to my dad about my weekend class. He is retired and always very curious about law school, and it’s nice getting to teach him something. For breakfast, I make a turkey egg and cheese on a croissant with a side of fresh pineapple with ice coffee and milk. I log on to job #1 at 10 a.m. While working, I chat with my sister, who still lives with my parents, and text my friend H. about my RSVP to her wedding in Texas next month.
1:30 p.m. — I make a lunch of non-fat Greek yogurt, banana, strawberries, and blueberries, topped with cinnamon and a handful of Rice Crispies for crunch. I put on some laundry for my family and play with the babies (my mom is a nanny and takes care of two kids, I. and O., at her house). We treat them like bonus siblings. I. is a toddler who is as erudite as she is stubborn, and O. is only a few months old and is quite possibly the smiliest baby ever. I begrudgingly go back to work. 
4:45p.m. — I go home to drop off my laundry and then head to the subway to get to school for my night class — trial and arbitration advocacy — which starts at 6 p.m. I read over my direct examination questions and listen to some Chappell Roan to hype myself up. $2.90
8:30 p.m. — I walk out of school and it’s snowing. Class was okay — our professor had A LOT of notes on our direct examination performance, but I did take this class to solicit this exact constructive feedback so I don’t freeze when I’m eventually in front of a jury. I head to the subway and swipe in and read The Flatshare on my way home. $2.90
9:15 — I get home and have leftovers from dinner yesterday, topped with some chicken, while I type up notes from my professor’s feedback. I listen to a few chapters of Yellowface. For dessert, I get some ice cream from my freezer (Baskin Robbins’ flavor for February: Love Potion #31. 10/10, recommend). I put on the latest episode of Abbott Elementary and work on my embroidery project. I’m almost done — it’s a wreath of flowers around a honeybee. At 11 p.m. I brush my teeth and lie down, taking some melatonin. I read another chapter of The Flatshare and fall asleep around 11:30 p.m.
Daily Total: $5.80

Day Five: Wednesday

8:15 a.m. — I get up and take a quick shower, then start getting my breakfast ready. I make oatmeal with banana and 2% milk, and have that with some non-fat Greek yogurt, cinnamon, and cashews. I also prep lunch and dinner — my roommate C. and I are going to see Death Becomes Her on Broadway later (got two-for-one tickets last week that were ~$60 each) and my office is not too far from the theater, so I’ll bring dinner to work and eat  there to kill time. I thought about going out for dinner as a little solo date, but I have brunch plans with my best friend R. this weekend, along with upcoming dinner plans with my mom, so I decide to save my money. I swipe into the subway and put on Yellowface to listen to on my commute. Today, I am working in person at job #2 — the insurance law firm. Not exactly my area of interest, but I get a lot of writing experience. $2.90
1:15 p.m. — I stop working to have some lunch. I heat up the shrimp dumplings I brought from home and have them with soy sauce and kimchi that I got from a farmers’ market, along with a side of cucumber and hummus. I sit in the conference room to eat lunch with coworkers. I’m only at this job twice a week so it’s nice to see everyone. The conversation turns to the guys’ fantasy football teams so I tune out. I’m very tired, so I make a cup of black coffee and head back to my desk. I book a Pilates class along with my regular Sunday yoga class through ClassPass for the upcoming weekend before getting back to work. Around 3 p.m. I take a break and text with my friend D. about a weird email from our school featuring bad AI-generated art.
6 p.m. — I work until 6 p.m. and then heat up dinner: lentil soup with chicken and a side of apple slices. While I eat, I FaceTime my sister after my mom said she had had a horrible night shift at the hospital. I get to chat to her and her friend L. as I eat. I leave the office at 6:30 p.m. and walk the 10 minutes to the theatre and head to my seat before C. joins me. 
8:30p.m. — At intermission, we agree that this show is amazing! We have been dancing the whole time, and there is another pair of girls in our row who have the same energy. C. goes to buy drinks and gets me a white wine in one of those souvenir cups. I venmo her but she immediately sends it back; I’ll buy her first round when we go out next week. 
10 p.m. — When the show is over, we swipe into the subway and discuss our favorite outfits from the show. We also discuss dressing up as the characters for Halloween. We get home at 11 p.m. and I pour a bowl of Special K with 2% milk as a snack. I journal a bit for the full moon (snow moon), brush my teeth, and fall asleep some time before midnight. $2.90
Daily Total: $5.80

Day Six: Thursday

8:15 a.m. — Wake up early around 5 a.m.,  and then go in and out until 8:15 a.m. when my alarm goes off. I lay in bed until 8:30 a.m. and then hop in the shower. I make a smoothie for breakfast with banana, frozen mango, spinach, and Greek yogurt, and pack some food for dinner during class tonight. I don’t have to worry about lunch today as job #2 is ordering pizza for the whole office. I swipe into the subway and read The Flatshare on my way to work. Once I get in I work on some discovery responses. $2.90
12:30 p.m. — I stop for lunch and grab some pizza and Sprite from the conference room. Then my coworkers and I get to work on making greeting cards — for Valentine’s Day tomorrow, the office is making cards for children through the Valentine’s Project. It’s nice to color and decorate with stickers. 
1:30 p.m. — After lunch, I go back to work with a cup of coffee to wake myself up after the influx of carbs. At 3 p.m., I have apple sauce and a handful of cashews, and text with my friend H. about how her first doctor’s appointment went for her pregnancy — I get to see the sonogram photos! I then send over my discovery response outline to the attorney and get started on medical records review, which is, in a word, mind numbing, so I listen to my Spotify daylist: Delicate Crashout Thursday Afternoon.
5:30 p.m. — I clock out of work and grab a tootsie pop for the road. I swipe into the subway and of course, it's delayed. Get to school a few minutes late and take out my dinner while the professor goes over negligence cases in my bar prep class. For my dinner, I mashed up the sauteed cannellini beans from earlier in the week with some olive oil and lemon juice, and brought sliced chicken breast, cucumber, and baked pita chips with me to dip. During class we go over our last exam, I got a B. Not horrible, but not great. $2.90
9 p.m. — After class, my friend E. walks me to the train and I swipe in and listen to Yellowface on the way home. When I get home I have some ice cream and put on Blink Twice — my friend R. recommended it and I want to watch it before I see them on Saturday for brunch. I watch while doing a bit of embroidery and then go down the Reddit rabbit hole about the movie. Critics didn’t like it but I thought it was really well done. I head to bed around 1 a.m. $2.90
Daily Total: $8.70

Day Seven: Friday

9:15 a.m. — My alarm goes off but I’m not ready to face the world as I’ve been in and out of sleep since 6 a.m. Thankfully, I work from home this morning for job #1. At 10 a.m., I get up and log on to work, then reach out to a few attorneys to see if they have any assignments for me. While I wait, I check the contents of the fridge and make some breakfast: I melt my remaining honey goat’s cheese, add a little olive oil and lemon juice, toss in some leftover pasta, baby spinach, and diced tomatoes, and top with a fried egg. I pour some cold brew with 2% milk and get to work. 
11 a.m. — Work is thankfully very light so I watch the latest Bridget Jones movie, which makes me ugly cry. I’m single which doesn’t usually bother me, but it’s Valentine’s Day and I’m PMSing, and so the rom com really rubs it in. I send money to my sister and a few of my single friends so they can buy themselves a little Valentine’s day treat. $30
2 p.m. — I make a quick snack of Greek yogurt, cinnamon, a banana, and cashews, and head to my afternoon job, job #3,  taking care of a kindergartner named F. I swipe into the subway ($2.90). On my way I have a quick call with my psychiatrist about my meds and we agree to up the dosage to deal with my increased anxiety given ~the everything~ going on. It’s usually a $15 co-pay but I overpaid last time somehow, so nothing is due this time. $2.90
2:30 p.m. — I pick up the kiddo and get to hear all the kindergarten gossip and see all the Valentine’s cards he got. I’ve been taking care of F. since he was 2 and he’s the coolest little dude. I got my undergrad degree in early childhood education and love children. It’s been a great balance taking care of him while in law school — kids take work, but he brings such a levity to the serious classes I am taking. We head to the library, and then on the way home, we stop at a bakery for a caramel macaron for F., and get myself a small cappuccino as a Friday treat ($6.83). Once home, we color, decorate some heart-shaped cookies, and build Lego. F. is a Sabrina Carpenter fan, so we have a dance party (I turn the volume down when there are curse words, don’t worry). $6.83
6 p.m. — I make the kiddo and myself some breakfast for dinner: egg, Irish sausage, beans, toast, and a side of pear and cucumber for some green on the plate. We watch Shrek (a cinematic masterpiece) until it’s time for me to leave at 8:30 p.m., when F.’s parents come home from dinner. I swipe into the subway ($2.90) and head home. I stop at the grocery store for milk, baby spinach, and mozzarella ($12.73). $15.63
9:15 p.m. — Once I’m home, I do my dishes and clean my room as I listen to more Yellowface. I really like it. Then I have some wine and watch Red, White, and Royal Blue (another rom com to make me cry) and do some embroidery. I brush my teeth and head to sleep around 1 a.m. 
Daily Total: $55.36

The Breakdown

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The first step to getting your financial life in order is tracking what you spend — to try on your own, check out our guide to managing your money every day. For more Money Diaries, click here.

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